Explore and share job opportunities in the ISM community!


ACMI is looking to hire a qualified person to work as the Assistant Director. Please prayerfully consider this exciting opportunity to partner in the mission and vision of ACMI and serve on a team dedicated to supporting and strengthening ministry among internationals! This position will be 20-25 hours/week and will be done remotely most of the time. Salary will be funded through personal support raising.

View the job description HERE. Apply HERE.

Updated post 09/16/24

The Navigators

Through International Student Ministry (ISM), we can introduce students to Jesus who come from countries where we would never be allowed to talk about Him. God has brought the nations right to our front door! These international sojourners— often the brightest and best from their homelands—represent millions of people in their countries. Many return home to impact their family and relational networks— touching every facet of society and the world with the gospel Our focus is on generational ministry: reaching and discipling students who will reach and disciple others, both on campus and after they return to their home country.

We are looking for passionate Jesus followers to join our staff who initiate and invite people into relationships, sow seeds of the Gospel, and encourage faithful steps of obedience.

For more info and staff opportunities see HERE

Updated Post 09/17/24

International Friendships (IFI)

Join IFI Columbus and National Staff! Are you being called to take your role in the Great Commission to the next level - right at home? Join the IFI team as a full-time, part-time, or associate staff!
See various openings like:

Campus Ministry Director (OSU): Campus Ministry Director for the Ohio State University. The Campus Ministry Director is responsible for the oversight of the campus staff to be successful in their ministry activities. They provide pastoral care and support to Campus ministers and other ministry staff, including: strategic and mission based focus, administrative guidance, and communication.

South Asian Outreach Minister: The South Asian Outreach Minister will assists the Central Ohio ministry team to serve international students from South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan) in practical ways, training and equipping students and volunteers for service to international students from these communities. The ideal candidate would be a missionary or ministry leader with experience ministering to Hindus and people from the countries listed above.

and many more!

See here for more details on positions and how to submit applications

Updated Post 09/16/24

International Students Inc. (ISI)

International Student Ministry Full Time/Part Time Positions Available

International Students, Inc, exists to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others.  

We have opportunities to serve in various cities as: City Directors, Campus Staff, Mobilizers, Student Staff and volunteers.  Please see details HERE.

Updated Post 08/22/24

Ambassadors for Christ, Inc. (AFC)

AFC is called by God, in cooperation with local churches, to evangelize and disciple Chinese students and professionals in the United States and other parts of the world, to motivate and equip them to impact the culture for the Lord, and to mobilize and channel them into the service of Christ as a vital force for God's Kingdom.

Currently AFC is seeking an Administrative Assistant Intern at their Chapel Hill, NC location.

This position will assist the Director of AFC Campus Ministry in strategic planning, working with regional campus teams, providing support to enhance campus staff performance, assist in implementing campus ministry plans, manage human resources, engage in campus fellowship activities, and much more.

For more specific info and how to submit resumes see here

Posted 12/7/22

Horizons International

The mission of Horizons International is to advance the Kingdom of God among Muslims and all people, by Proclaiming the Gospel, Discipling the Nations, and Equipping the Church. Our International Student Ministry is dedicated to “Reaching the Nations at our Doorstep,” reaching over 18 major campuses in seven states.

Horizon’s International is hiring ISM Workers to help at the following locations: Boulder, Colorado; Albany, NY; Louisville, Kentucky; LIncoln, Nebraska; and Austin, TX.

More info coming soon! Feel free to check out their website here

Updated Post 09/17/24

The Town’s Inn


This position is open in a beautiful West Virginia ministry setting, located 60 miles from Washington, DC at the confluence of the Potomac & Shenandoah rivers & accessible by Amtrak. Must have OPT, Green Card, or US citizenship. Required 1 month commitment. Hours 10-40 per week. Housing & English lessons available if needed. 

For more info about the job, please contact Karan Townsend ( For more information about the Inn visit: HERE

Updated Post 09/16/24